Sunday, March 6, 2011

Tyra Banks Launches TypeF, a top Fashion and Beauty Advice Web site

Beauty is skin deep. And former supermodel Tyra Banks knows a few things about this topic. She also knows what to tell young women, young girls who are not sure they are beautiful. So after going back to school (Business Harvard School) to learn how to manage her multimillion media empire, she decides to launch this new business on March 15th, 2011 to help people. She has some clear goals she wants to meet with Let us let her tell you exactly

"It's time for a fashion and beauty revolution! I'm so excited and proud to introduce you to Beauty is not one size, one shade, one style, one color - YOU are beauty and is the beginning of a movement that starts with and for YOU. It's a destination that continues my mission to expand the definition of beauty. My goal is for typeF to be THE place where you will find your ultimate style confidence created for you, with you and by others like you.

We are counting down the minutes to March 15th when will be revealed to the world....."

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